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PYQT5 Change QPushButton Text and Icon color on hover
Creating a QPushButton that changes icon and text colour on hover...
Front End Development
John Phung ✪ 2021-07-01
WooCommerce and PFC Express Integration with Webhook and Node
An article about integrating WooCommerce orders with PFCExpress fulfillment service for non FBA regions....
John Phung ✪ 2020-10-20
Adding Code Syntax Highlighting to React Markdown - Gatsby/Strapi
Adding code syntax highlighting to react-markdown....
Front End Development
John Phung ✪ 2020-10-15
Cin7 API Test Integrations for Serial Keys Using Postman and Node
A quick getting started guide for Cin7 API endpoints, with a focus on the serial number module. I demonstrate Postman and Node fetch API interactions....
John Phung ✪ 2020-10-09
Animated Video Scroll Render for Web with Bodymovin & ScrollMagic JS
Steps to create and implement a animated video render scroll in your website using Bodymovin and Scroll Magic JS....
Front End Development
John Phung ✪ 2020-10-04
A Realistic Look at Augmented Reality for Smart City Initiatives in 2019
The mention of augmented reality as a technological pillar in the notion of smart city concepts has been steadily rising in the last few years with articles highlighting ...
Augmented Reality
John Phung ✪ 2020-05-13
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