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PYQT5 Change QPushButton Text and Icon color on hover

Creating a QPushButton that changes icon and text colour on hover...

By John Phung


PYQT5 Change QPushButton Text and Icon color on hover

Change QPushButton Text and Icon Color on Hover

I struggled pretty hard to figure out how to achieve a simple hover color effect for a QPushButton using QT5, everything from using border-image or qproperty-icon properties in qss stylesheet. It turns out, you need to overwrite the QPushButton class by using event filters Mind Blown.

By subscribing to event filters in a newly construct QPushButton class, we can listen to the mouse events and the one we're interested is in the HoverEnter and HoverLeave events which I believe are enum values.

Below is the simple code that inherits the QPushButton class and changes the icon colour.

1class HoverButton(QPushButton):
2   def __init__(self, title, icon_path, icon_path_hover, parent=None):
3       super(NavButton, self).__init__()
4       self.setText(title)
5       self.setObjectName(title)
6       self.defaultIcon = QIcon(resource_path(icon_path))
7       self.hoverIcon = QIcon(resource_path(icon_path_hover))
8       self.setIcon(self.defaultIcon);
9       self.setIconSize(QSize(40, 20));
10       self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor))
11       self.installEventFilter(self)
13   def eventFilter(self, source, event):
14       if event.type() == QEvent.HoverEnter:
15         self.setIcon(self.hoverIcon)
16         self.setIconSize(QSize(40, 20));
17       elif event.type() == QEvent.HoverLeave:
18         self.setIcon(self.defaultIcon)
20       return super().eventFilter(source, event)

For changing the text colour we can simply use css by referencing the objectName and hover state and set the colour to something different.

In style.qss

1QPushButton#title {
2   color: white;
5QPushButton#title:hover {
6  color: black;

Who knew such a simple UI effect requires so much work...