Mixed Reality Housewarming Experience
An interactive event using augmented reality to promote user engagement through activities and data collection in an physical environment....
By John Phung
Client: Lend Lease Darling Square
The Brief Overview
To test augmented reality engagement in the real world, Darling Square piloted an interactive journey experience using AR to engage customers (in this case were residents of a newly opened apartment complex) in their housewarming event. The aim was to educate residents of issues related to living in this new environment, i.e. sustainability, community events, shared outdoor areas et al.
The Features
The entire AR experience consisted up to 10 different marker checkpoints, which each represented a different interaction such as take a selfie, answer a quiz, share some content et al.
The completion of each interaction rewards 1 flip chance to uncover a mahjong tile. By matching two of the same mahjong tile, the player is rewarded one point. Once all cards are matched, the player is able to enter a draw by submission of his/her details to win some goodies.
Each interaction was tracked for analytics as well as time spent on the web page.
The Tech
The marker detection uses AR Js and the rest is vanilla Javascript, HTML, CSS.
Demo Link
The link is no longer available as it was a one off event